As of April 4th 2017 the 2016 Astro Bunny is officially SOLD OUT.
As of June 19th 2017 the 2016 Dark Side is officially SOLD OUT.
That’s all folks!
Until the 2017’s are ready….
Blackhearts & Sparrows stores in Melbourne may have availability of the Astro Bunny, and you can also try Different Drop or DRNKS online. You might find some Dark Side at The Wine Thief Perth or DRNKS and Annandale Cellars Sydney.
I’d like to thank all those customers, restaurants, independent retailers and not forgetting the coffee shops who believed in the Bunny and supported me and my crazy wine this summer.
The 2017 vintage is already in bottle and looking good, and on current planning will be released in January 2018.
Cheers! – Tim
The 2016 Astro Bunny and Dark Side will be released onto an unsuspecting world on December 1st 2016.
Different Drop https://differentdrop.com
Veno http://www.veno.com.au
DRNKS https://www.drnks.com
East End Cellars in Adelaide https://www.eastendcellars.com.au
La Buvette Drinkery http://www.labuvettedrinkery.com
Sean’s Kitchen http://www.seanskitchen.com.au
Mothervine http://www.mothervine.com.au
Orana Restaurant http://restaurantorana.com
The Henry Austin http://thehenryaustin.com.au
Magill Estate Restaurant https://www.magillestaterestaurant.com
Fall From Grace https://fallfromgracewine.com
FINO at Seppeltsfield http://fino.net.au
The Oak Barrel http://www.oakbarrel.com.au
Automata Restaurant http://www.automata.com.au
Fix St James https://fixwine.com.au
Le Pont https://www.lepontwinestore.com
Annandale Cellars http://www.veno.com.au/annandale-cellars
Waterman’s Lobster Co. http://www.watermanslobsterco.com
The Corner House, Bondi http://www.thecornerhouse.com.au
TMBTP http://www.tmbtp.com.au
Earl’s Juke Joint https://www.facebook.com/earlsjukejoint/
Bar Brosé http://barbrose.com.au
Bad Hombres pop-up https://www.instagram.com/bad.hombres.dining/
Babyface Kitchen, Wollongong http://babyfacekitchen.com.au
Cru Bar https://www.crubar.com
Brunswick East Wine Store http://brunswickeastwine.com
Neighbourhood Wine http://neighbourhoodwine.com
Clever Polly’s https://cleverpollys.com.au
Marion Wine Bar http://marionwine.com.au
Bar Liberty http://barliberty.com
Toorak Wine Cellars http://www.toorakcellars.com.au
The Alps Wine Bar and Shop http://thealpsprahran.com
Ramblr http://ramblr.com.au
Project 49 http://www.projectfortynine.com.au
The Town Mouse http://thetownmouse.com.au
Blackhearts & Sparrows https://blackheartsandsparrows.com.au
Wine Republic http://www.winerepublic.com.au
Marquis of Lorne http://marquisoflorne.com.au
Ôter http://oter.com.au
Broad Island Shokudo **pop up Feb 24-26 only ** ASTRO BUNNY ON POUR!! http://instagram.com/broadislandshokudo
Sun Moth http://www.sunmoth.com.au
Union Street Wine, Geelong http://unionstreetwine.com.au
Liquor Barons Subiaco https://www.liquorbarons.com.au
The Wine Thief, Perth https://www.facebook.com/thewinethiefwestleederville/
Mane Liquor http://www.maneliquor.com.au
Dier Makr, Hobart https://www.diermakr.com
If you don’t have a stockist in your area please email me directly and we’ll make sure we can get some bottles through to you. LEAVE NO DRINKER BEHIND (THE BUNNY) is our motto
Further details of stockists will be added here as and when people are kind enough to take pity on me and buy some. In the meantime, here’s the skinny
Instructions for opening
Pull the string loop straight up, and quite hard, like its a stiff cork, which breaks the wax over the top (like a babybel cheese)
Then unwind it once anti-clockwise and the wax plus the twine should come off cleanly.
Advice for serving.
Both wines should be served chilled (obviously) and the Astro Bunny is much better if shaken before opening to mix the sediment into the wine.
The Dark Side doesn’t need to be shaken but does need to be really cold when opened to avoid the risk of it foaming.
Astro Bunny Pét-Nat 2016
RECOMMENDED RETAIL $35.00 a bottle

The grapes for this year’s Astro Bunny were hand picked on the morning of Sunday 21st February 2016 by myself and a team of fifteen international backpackers.
We picked 2 tonnes of Nero d’Avola (most of which went into The Dark Side), 1.5 tonnes of Vermentino and 1 tonne of Zibibbo (aka Muscat of Alexandria aka Gordo)
The fruit came from Ricca Terra Farms, Riverland, South Australia.
Ashley and Holly Ratcliff at Ricca Terra Farms are farming sustainably and increasingly organically in the Riverland with a high level of care, attention and detail to their viticulture.
They’ve planted climate appropriate varieties (mainly from Southern Italy) and sell their fruit to a growing cluster of high quality wine makers across Australia.
Their company motto is Viticulture with Vision and working with them makes me feel part of something bigger, a real movement towards sustainability in Australia’s hottest, driest State.
The nine picking bins of fruit were put in a cold store overnight then driven down to the Barossa Valley the next morning.
The wine was made in Marco Cirillo’s winery in the Barossa Valley.
Astro Bunny is 50% Vermentino, 25% Nero d’Avola, 25% Zibibbo
Zero added sulphur, no other additions, no adjustments, just made from grapes.
Fermented in a stainless steel tank with temperature control over a three week period.
Bottled by hand by myself and three willing helpers over over a twenty hour period on Friday 18th March.
The wine went to bottle with around 10 g/lt residual sugar.
The wine fermented fully dry in the bottle over the winter resulting in a pressure of about 2 bar, so approximately half that of Champagne.
The wines vital statistics are
11.5% ABV
sugar 0.00 g/lt
free S02 0.00 mg/lt
pH 3.92
titratable acidity 6.7 g/lt
200 dozen made
The Dark Side Pét-Nat 2016
RECOMMENDED RETAIL $40.00 a bottle
2 tonnes of Nero d’Avola for this year’s Dark Side were hand picked on the morning of Sunday 21st February 2016 by myself and a team of fifteen international backpackers.
The majority went into The Dark Side, with a few hundred kilos going into the Astro Bunny for colour.
The fruit came from Ricca Terra Farms, Riverland, South Australia.
Ashley and Holly Ratcliff at Ricca Terra Farms are farming sustainably and increasingly organically in the Riverland with a high level of care, attention and detail to their viticulture.
They’ve planted climate appropriate varieties (mainly from Southern Italy) and sell their fruit to a growing cluster of high quality wine makers across Australia.
Their company motto is Viticulture with Vision and working with them makes me feel part of something bigger, a real movement towards sustainability in Australia’s hottest, driest State.
The fruit was put in a cold store overnight then driven down to the Barossa Valley the next morning.
The wine was made in Marco Cirillo’s winery in the Barossa Valley.
The Dark Side is 100% Nero d’Avola which was fermented in a 3000 litre open fermenter with 100% whole bunches.
Zero added sulphur, no other additions, no adjustments, just made from grapes.
Bottled by hand by myself and three willing helpers over over a twenty hour period on Friday 18th March.
The wine went to bottle with around 10 g/lt residual sugar.
The wine fermented (almost) fully dry in the bottle over the winter resulting in a pressure of about 2 bar, so approximately half that of Champagne.
The wines vital statistics are
12.0% ABV
sugar 2.68 g/lt
free S02 0.00 mg/lt
pH 3.66
titratable acidity 8.8 g/lt
100 dozen made

click on the rainbow to see your very own Astro Bunny animated gif
send us a pic of you and the bunny and we’ll post it on the wall of shame below

6 comments for “2016 Pét-Nats: The Return of the Astro Bunny, The Empire Strikes Back”